
Registration tarifs for :

1 Sample135,00 €6 Samples780,00 €
2 Samples268,00 €7 Samples903,00 €
3 Samples399,00 €8 Samples1.024,00 €
4 Samples528,00 €9 Samples1.143,00 €
5 Samples655,00 €+ 10 Samples125,00 € / Sample

Shipping conditions and sample collection points :

Send 3 labelled bottles of each entry, as well as a pro forma invoice stating 'Samples of no commercial value - Sauvignon Selection by CMB 2025' - to avoid paying customs clearance fees.
Delivery in Belgium
Delivery address :
Vinopres - SAU
Rue de Mérode 60
B-1060 Bruxelles
Sample delivery :
06/01/2025 - 21/03/2025

Reception of the sample from Monday to Friday
contact: Géraldine Gérard - +32 478 21 27 32

Delivery address only for Bulgarian wines
Delivery address :
M&M Militzer & Muench BG Co Ltd.
11 Andrey Germanov str
1336 Sofia
Sample delivery :
06/01/2025 - 21/03/2025

Phone : +359 29 84 51 76


Privacy policy